the mechanics are pure fun. it's an incredibly clever adaptation of the RTS model to console: you can pause at any time while moving your units on the map in order to rethink your strategy, use items, or activate a unit's special skill. (read more)
no I’M the dumbest girl alive (read more)
as usual, it's time for a look back at the stuff i encountered
for the first time in 2023 (read more)
Bit of a letdown, huh? (read more)
In the early 2000s Bee Train made three shows loosely connected by the theme of “girls with guns.” I only watched a few episodes of El Cazador de la Bruja because it got transphobic, but I’ve watched Noir (twice, even) and now Madlax. (read more)
this contains spoilers for the ending of the show (read more)
2022 is over! What a fucking year. I'm sure 2023 will be normal. (read more)
I am once again going to be a time cop and remind everyone that 'best of 2022' lists made while 2022 has yet to be fully experienced are invalid and possibly illegal. You will get my list tomorrow; for today, these are the best things I came across this year that weren't themselves published in 2022. (read more)
the mission of the podcast about anime i do with @prophet-goddess is to encourage you read a book instead of watching anime. instead of watching anime, even anime we claim is good, read one of these books. (read more)
i’m not an especially sports person. the only one i like playing myself (indeed, the only sort of exercise i’ve ever enjoyed) is badminton, and i don’t watch a lot of sports. i do like sports stories, but that’s largely insofar as they are vehicles for stories about people and relationships in the pressure-cooker of competitive sport. see Ping-Pong, Black Swan (and Love Doctor), and, the one that started the train of thought that led to this chost, Aquamarine by Carol Anshaw. (read more)
The series as a whole is one of the great works of fiction about police and policing because, in addition to featuring brilliant plotting and characterization, it has an abiding suspicion not only of the police practices of its time, but of policing, and, indeed, state power more generally. (read more)
i’ve now got almost 150 hours in elden ring, having done all remembrances and having made it most of the way through ng+, so i am officially qualified to have Opinions about it. (read more)
I’m less optimistic about the future of Killing Eve these days. But not, maybe, for the same reasons as a lot of other people. (read more)