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Serge K. Keller
- Incende quod adorasti.
- Age quod agis!
- I'm a scientific and technical journalist, a freelance writer and translator, a graphic designer and desktop publisher, and a webmaster. In other words: I'm a web scientist, a wordsmith, a pixel craftsman and a printer of electrons.
- I'm also a former biologist and zoo keeper, and to this day I've kept a strong interest in natural sciences and remain a staunch, bearded Darwin groupie.
- In my free time, I sometimes direct amateur theatre plays or play on stage myself.
- I live in Fribourg (the Swiss one), a very nice bilingual city (French/German), but grew up in Origlio, a small village in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland.
- If you wish to contact me, I can understand French, Italian, English and some German: your choice!
Be sure to check out ~almaren for more astounding content!
Geek Code
Version: 3.12
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First published online: 30th of September, 2014.
Last updated: 15th of October, 2014.
Previous versions: index008; index007; index006; index005; index004; index003; index002; index001; index000
Copyright © 1994- Serge K. Keller. All Rights Reserved. Contact:
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