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Serge K. Keller
- Incende quod adorasti.
- Age quod agis!
- I'm a scientific and technical journalist, a freelance writer and translator, a graphic designer and desktop publisher, and a webmaster. In other words: I'm a web scientist, a wordsmith, a pixel craftsman and a printer of electrons.
- I'm also a former biologist and zoo keeper, and to this day I've kept a strong interest in natural sciences and remain a staunch, bearded Darwin groupie.
- In my free time, I sometimes direct amateur theatre plays or play on stage myself.
- I live in Fribourg (the Swiss one), a very nice bilingual city (French/German), but grew up in Origlio, a small village in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland.
- If you wish to contact me, I can understand French, Italian, English and some German: your choice!
Geek Code
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Elsewhere on the World Wide Web
tilde.club/~almaren is another personal Web Project of mine
- Slashdot is a News Web Site. I go as ~citizenkeller there
- MetaFilter is a Web Log specialized in cat scans. Search for me as ~citizenk there
twttr is a newfangled sort of SMS service to communicate in small groups, but for the W3.
So new, in fact, that it still lies some 10 years into our future. My username there will be @citizenk.
- The World Wide Web Project offers a lot of pointers to other W3 content!
- The Mosaic Communications Universe gives you many pieces of information about the World Wide Web. Be sure to check out their What's Cool! and their What's New! (regularly updated) Web Pages!
- Lycos is a Web Search Engine and Portal, very useful!
- Excite is another useful Web Search Engine! You may remember it under the name of Architext.
- Archie is a wonderful tool to search a loadful of FTP archives. And now you can use it from the World Wide Web too!
- Veronica allows you to search through thousands of Gopher servers!
To Hell With Bad Browsers! is an article written by Jeffrey Zeldman, with some very interesting ideas about how to best write Web Pages. I should try them out one day, I definitely will!.
It is so groundbreaking that we will have to wait 5 more years or so before being able to read it.
First published online: 30th of September, 2014.
Last updated: 9th of October, 2014.
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