I don’t know what kingpin is doing to the display in this picture...

Part of the arrangement was the Senate would reimburse us for travel and take care of hotel costs (e.g. ‘travel orders’).
The other part of the arrangement was we would do *all* of this under aliases.
See the problem?
Here I’m reading parts aloud to a very tired @spacerog and Stefan Von Neumann.
OBhack: composed on a thinkpad running OpenBSD

It’s worth a watch.
When you’re done, come on back here and I’ll finish the anniversary date storytime and picture show (spoiler alert: White House shenanigans...)
Richard Clarke was my main contact.
We hit it off. He not only listened but also acted upon technical explanations and insights I was providing.
I felt the bad decisions (CFAA, DMCA, etc.) were due to ignorance.
They needed to be better informed to make better decisions.
It’s also what got us our after-hours-full-access White House tour.
That’s not normally given to people (traveling under hacker handles).
...and then realized a ‘clean desk’ policy wasn’t being followed and some govvie faces had drained of color.
[No pic]
Happy anniversary!